Saturday, November 19, 2011

How would I use a diagram to prove the following properties of vector addition?

How would I use a diagram to prove the commutative and associative properties of vector addition?

A) Vector addition is commutative: a + b = b + a

B) Vector addition is associative: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

How would I draw each diagram to prove this? A detailed explanation of a suitable diagram would be awesome!|||Easy. Start at the origin of the cartesian plane, and draw Vector A (which can be any vector you can imagine. Then, start at the end of Vector A and draw Vector B (which can also be any vector in any direction.)

Then, re-draw starting with Vector B at the origin, and Vector A beginning at the end of Vector A.

Another way to work on this is to show that Vector A and B's lengths can be broken up as (L cos 螛, L sin 螛) where L is the length of the vector and 螛 = the angle from the X-axis.|||A) Draw a parallelogram OACB with one corner at the origin O, and vectors OA = a, OB = b.

Since OACB is a parallelogram, OA = BC = a and OB = AC = b as vectors. So

a + b

= OA + AC

= OC

= OB + BC

= b + a.

B) Draw a quadrilateral OABC, with OA = a, AB = b, BC = c. Then

a + (b + c)

= OA + (AB + BC)

= OA + AC

= OC

= OB + BC

= (OA + AB) + BC

= (a +b) + c.

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